The BNZShouldertap program provides the opportunity for aspiring Kiwi entrepreneurs and technology start ups to spend time in San Francisco immersed in a curated community of experienced entrepreneurs and business people.
The primary objective is to accelerate the design and development of the product or service business model by exploring in-market business development, investment, mentorship and strategic partnership opportunities.
BNZShouldertap is a joint collaboration between BNZ and Kiwi Landing Pad.
As a BNZShouldertap participant, you’ll receive mentoring from the Kiwi Landing Pad & BNZ network, required to spend time in the US market (time to be determined, case by case basis), you’ll have access to the Kiwi Landing Pad facilities and meeting rooms. You’ll be coached on how to take your business to the next level with tailored sessions on entering the U.S. market, finding partnership opportunities, and securing funding.
Who can take part?
- Must be a BNZ Customer
- High Growth early stage technology companies
- Entrepreneurs looking to expand their business to the U.S.
- Tech companies looking to accelerate their business plans for fund raising, finding customers and distributor partners in the USA
- Entrepreneurs with a bright idea they want to get off the ground that needs in market validation and research in the USA.
- Entrepreneurs who are willing to share there learnings with the NZ technology community.
How do I apply?
Please register your interest in the program via email to [email protected]
Learn about PageProof’s BNZShoulderTap experience
Gemma & Marcus, Co-Founders of PageProof participated in BNZShouldertap in February 2016. Read about PageProof’s BNZ Shouldertap experience here.
Past Participants